If you have a home policy and an auto policy, you may feel well-covered. However, you might not be as protected as you believe. Getting umbrella insurance can be a great way to supplement the coverage you already have and to ensure that you have enough of it. To get started with an umbrella policy, contact us at Marla Williams Agency in Kansas and learn more about these policies.
Understanding Liability Coverage Deficits in Home and Auto Policies
When you have a home and an auto policy, each of them comes with an amount of liability coverage, among other coverage types. Liability coverage is extremely important in case of an accident in your car or home. The problem arises when there is an expensive accident. Home and auto policies don’t come with much liability coverage, and this can leave you vulnerable to the bills that come in. With umbrella insurance, you get a great deal of extra liability coverage that is added to both of your other policies.
How Umbrella Insurance Covers Overages
If there happens to be a serious accident, the costs can be extremely high. This can cause your home or auto insurance to max out and cause bills to be left over afterward. These overages would be yours to pay without umbrella insurance. With umbrella insurance, it will come in after the home or auto insurance and pay the overages that are left over. This gives you the protection you need against serious and expensive accidents. Don’t go without this coverage if you have home and auto insurance.
Securing Umbrella Insurance in Kansas
If you don’t have an umbrella policy yet, we are here to help. Call us at Marla Williams Agency in Kansas today to learn more about umbrella policies and how they benefit you.