If you own a business in Kansas, it’s important to know which types of commercial insurance your specific business needs. There are two types of commercial insurance that are required for many businesses in the state. There are also many other types of commercial policies that are important to have, even if they aren’t required by the state. If you need commercial insurance, come to the pros at Marla Williams Agency in Kansas.
Workers’ Compensation Protection
Workers’ comp insurance is one of the basic types of commercial insurance that most businesses should have. If you have a business that has a payroll of $20,000 or more, you must have this type of insurance for your employees. There are certain exceptions, including some agricultural jobs. Workers’ compensation is a policy that will pay for the medical bills after an employee gets a work-related illness or becomes injured while working. This keeps your business safer from lawsuits after an accident has occurred.
Commercial Auto Coverage
When you have a business that owns a vehicle, you must have a commercial auto policy on it. No matter what the type of vehicle, it must have this type of policy. There are three different types of coverage that businesses are required to have in their auto policy. The policy must have bodily injury liability coverage, with one amount for a single person who gets injured in an accident and another amount for all of the injured in an accident. You must also have property damage liability coverage in a specific minimum amount. You must also have uninsured motorist coverage that includes one amount of coverage for one person who is injured and a higher amount is required for everyone who is injured.
Get Commercial Insurance
When you own a business that needs insurance, come to us. Give us a call at Marla Williams Agency in Kansas to find out more.